Mini-oral presentation

The goal of mini-oral presentations is to expose particularly interesting poster contributions to a larger audience.

The two mini-orals sessions will be held in the split configuration of the main plenary area on Tuesday and Thursday.

Each mini-oral presentation is limited to a maximum of 3 minutes and 3 slides. There will be no time devoted to questions after the presentation as the author will be available for them during the poster session that follows.

Papers for mini-oral presentations may be up to 5 pages long.

A unique file containing all the presentations of a session will be prepared beforehand to guarantee an agile rotation among authors. The presentations will be pre-loaded in the computers of the venue before the start of the conference. The authors are requested to upload the final version of the presentations no later than the day before their presentations.


Speakers must submit their presentation to JACoW SPMS no later than 6 October 2023.

The file should be named with the program code and “_talk” (for example “MOMPL01 _talk.ppt”) and then uploaded in the same way as for papers through the ICALEPCS 2023 account. Any animations or video files referenced within presentations must be uploaded along with the PowerPoint file (select “Supporting Files”). The program code assigned to the presentation is available in this interface.

When choosing the page set-up for slides ensure landscape orientation, slides sized for On-Screen Show (16:9).

There will be personnel at the Speakers’ Preview area in the Conference Centre to solve any issues that may arise. The Speakers’ Preview area is located in Hall D of the Century City Conference Centre and will be open during the following hours:

Sunday, 08 October 2023 15h00 – 18h00

Monday, 09 October 2023 07h30 – 18h00

Tuesday, 10 October 2023 07h30 – 18h00

Wednesday, 11 October 2023 07h30 – 18h00

Thursday, 12 October 2023 07h30 – 18h00

Friday, 13 October 2023 07h30 – 17h00

Please note that all speakers must present their presentations from the computer systems set up in the conference rooms. Use of individual laptops or USB drives cannot be accommodated.