Poster presentation
Please be aware that according to the ICALEPCS rules at least one author has to be present at the poster during the poster session, otherwise the poster will not be included in the proceedings. Papers submitted for poster presentations may be up to 5 pages long.
Participants in the poster sessions are invited to upload an electronic version of their posters (in pdf format) via user profiles in the conference instance of the SPMS system for access on this web site.
The poster shall be uploaded to the file server in portable document format only (pdf). The file shall be named with the program code and “_poster.pdf” (for example MOPHA001_poster.pdf) and then uploaded in the same way as for papers using the author’s ICALEPCS 2023 JACoW account (“Poster” selection).
Poster sessions, setup and removal
The posters will be on display in Halls A, B and C and D at the Century City Conference Centre, during two sessions:
- Tuesday, 10 October 2023, 16:15 to 17:45
- Thursday, 12 October 2023, 16:15 to 17:45
The assigned poster program code (e.g. TUPD) will be labelled in the correspondent panel.
The day after each poster session, posters must be removed from the panel to be ready for the next poster session. Posters that are not picked up by the authors, will be removed by the Conference staff, and will not be stored nor sent to authors.
Instructions for poster display
Each poster will be presented on one half of a side of the poster board, whose full dimensions are 48 inches wide (121.9 cm) by 96 inches in height (243.8 cm).
The suggested usage is the display of an A0 page (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm) or US Arch E page (36 in x 48 in) in PORTRAIT orientation on the board. Note: Avoid landscape orientation for the A0/Arch E formats, as it will be too wide to fit the poster boards.
The Conference will provide push-pins to mount posters.
Participants are asked to bring with them a printed copy of their poster.
Click here for information about local printing services
Poster attendance
Official staff will check for the attendance of the presenter of each poster and if the staff cannot find the presenter, the presentation will not be included in the conference proceedings.
The presenter must be one of the authors.
Poster prizes
There will be an award for the best poster. The selection of the winning poster is made by a general vote from the participants of the conference. More information will be provided at a later date.
Preparation of the posters
It is suggested that the posters be prepared so that they can be easily understood even in the absence of the presenter.
The general suggestions for preparation of the posters are provided below:
- Legibility: The poster should be readable from a distance. Suggested sizes include: minimum graph size 20cm, section heading letters 25mm, and text and figure lettering no less than 10mm.
- Heading: General heading label for each display area should include the title and the presenter’s name and institution.
- Titles: All figures and tables should be titled.